Choctaw football shooting: Teen dead, 2 hurt in gunfire at high school game

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Cordae Carter

(8-28-23) Violence before, after and during high school football games around the country are happening on a regular basis this season.

This past weekend Cordae Carter a 16 year old student was shot and murdered during a game in Oklahoma.

Carter was a student in the Mid-Del School District. Schools within the Midwest City-Del City district will be closed to visitors during the week of Aug. 28 to give students and staff additional support.


Dr. Rick Cobb – Superintendent of Mid-Del Schools


On August 25th, 2023, during the third quarter of the Choctaw High School vs. Del City High School game, gun shots were fired on the visitor’s side of the stadium.

It is believed an argument started between at least two males which lead to the shooting.

One male 16 years old received a gunshot to the groin area; he has passed away from the injuries sustained. He is not a student of either Choctaw or the Del City school system. His family has been notified but investigators would like to speak with them further before releasing his name.

One male 42 years of age sustained a gunshot to his chest. He was transported to OU Trauma and was in surgery most of the night. It is my understanding he is now in ICU but stable condition; Investigators will release his name and speak with him when he is able.

A Del City Officer discharged his firearm at the scene. The Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office will be the lead investigator of the Officer involved shooting.

One young female was shot in her thigh, was treated and released.

Two other females, believed to be students were injured trying to leave the area sustaining broken wrists and a broken leg.

The Choctaw School District employees 5 Choctaw Officers for every home game. All 5 Officers were present along with 2 on duty Choctaw officers that had stopped in for a moment. Del City had two Officers present as well.

Two Choctaw Officers, one who is a trained EMT responded to the 16-year-old immediately and began life saving efforts.

Choctaw Superintendent David Reid, Choctaw Safety Coordinator Steve Keiffer and his brother who is a trauma surgeon began life saving efforts on the 42-year-old who had sustained the gun shot to his chest.

The Choctaw Police Department is investigating the homicide and is being assisted by the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office, Del City Investigators are working in conjunction as well. The Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office Technical Investigators responded to the scene and processed the evidence.

Investigators have been given a description of a tall B/M wearing red sweatpants as a person of interest. Two guns and eight rounds were recovered at the scene.

I have received an email from the Uvalde Foundation for Kids that states the following: The Uvalde Foundation for Kids is a national nonprofit organization formed following the Uvalde Texas School shooting; announced Saturday morning, that it is offering a financial award for information leading to the apprehension of a suspect who fired shots at a Choctaw High School’s home football game Friday night at Bill Jensen Field.

National Director, Daniel Chapin noted in the release –

“In a stadium filled with spectators and students, someone knows something. Do the right thing & say something.”

As the Chief of the Choctaw Police Department, I agree with this statement and urge anyone with information to call the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office to leave your name and phone number for an investigator to return your call.

I have been in contact with School Superintendent David Reid, he and his team will be meeting later today in order to provide counseling as well as discuss further safety measures for our students and spectators.

I am grateful for the immediate overwhelming response and support from local law enforcement (Oklahoma Highway Patrol, Oklahoma City Police Department, Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office, Harrah Police Department, Jones Police Department are a sampling of the agencies that immediately deployed), school officials, community leaders and our citizens. I am proud of the response of the Choctaw Police Department. I appreciate the support of our Mayor Chad Allcox, City Manager Brian Linley as well as our City Council.

We are determined to solve this senseless act and restore a sense of safety to our community.

This past week in the Stateline area a large number of people broke into a fight at the Findlay-Lima Sr. game, earlier in the year a disturbance took place at Trotwood-Madison’s ‘Midnight Madness’. It seems that violence like this tragic incident in Oklahoma is becoming a regular event during ‘Friday Night Lights’.