By Adamm Ingals

(9-10-23) A high school football coach needs to handle a lot of issues with a high school football team. While winning is the main goal there are other aspects that make a good leader.

The attributes of a good high school football coach are:

  • Passion for the game. A good coach loves football and is passionate about teaching and coaching the game. They are always looking for ways to improve their players and the team.
  • Knowledge of the game. A good coach has a deep understanding of the rules, strategies, and techniques of football. They are able to communicate this knowledge to their players in a clear and concise way.
  • Excellent communication skills. A good coach is able to communicate effectively with their players, parents, and administrators. They are able to motivate and inspire their players, and they are able to get their point across in a clear and concise way.
  • Leadership skills. A good coach is a leader. They are able to motivate and inspire their players, and they are able to get the most out of their team. They are also able to create a positive team culture and environment.
  • Patience. Coaching high school football can be challenging. There will be ups and downs, and a good coach is able to handle these challenges with patience and grace.
  • Enthusiasm. A good coach is enthusiastic about football and about coaching their team. They are able to get their players excited about the game, and they are able to create a positive and upbeat atmosphere.
  • Fairness. A good coach is fair to all of their players. They do not play favorites, and they treat everyone with respect.
  • Discipline. A good coach is able to maintain discipline on the team. They are able to set clear expectations for their players, and they are able to enforce those expectations.
  • Commitment. Coaching high school football is a demanding commitment. A good coach is willing to put in the time and effort to be successful.


In addition to these qualities, a good high school football coach is also someone who is:

  • A role model. Players look up to their coaches, and a good coach is someone who they can look up to and respect.
  • A positive influence. A good coach has a positive influence on their players. They help their players to develop not only as football players, but also as young men.
  • A lifelong learner. A good coach is always looking for ways to improve their coaching skills. They are always reading books, attending clinics, and networking with other coaches.