(8-8-20) 2020 continues to be a nightmare for the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA), AD’s, coaches and school administrators. Yesterday’s proposal by the OHSAA for football is a prime example of Governor DeWine holding football hostage, along with other fall sports.

From July 17th…

Thumbs up to the OHSAA board and the new leadership that took office on August 1st. The proposed plan now puts the ‘ball’ in the Governor’s court.

6 games

Jeff Cassella, president of the OHSAA Board of Directors and athletic administrator at Mentor High School. “

“To both ensure we can offer students the opportunity to participate in education-based athletes but do so with their best interests in mind, we believe this modified plan offers a positive solution by addressing many of the concerns of our member schools. Those that are able to start their seasons on time will be able to do so. Those that are starting later can still have a season. Add in the option of all schools entering the playoffs and the possibility of schools still being able to play 10 regular season contests, and this plan is helpful to virtually all of our schools.”

One key issue to remember, it is not a done deal until the Governor approves it, that has been an issue from day one. Several times during these past months the Governor had opportunities to give guidance and approval on several plans submitted…silence from his office.

Will the Governor change his order for COVID 19 testing of all players and coaches before a game? No matter if the plan is approved, this will have to change.

How much chaos will all of this cause…more then any athletic director should be facing just weeks away from the first football game.

School districts that have already shut down athletics and forced cancellations of games, found AD’s scrambling to find another opponent to fill those open slots…all of that now wasted time and effort. Now every school playing football will have to put in place a six-game regular season schedule. Will games be against same class opponents, county teams or conference teams? What about an independent school like LCC?

Playoffs will force the OHSAA to make new regions and a new seeding process, much like basketball. Sounds easy…it will take a lot of man hours to make it work. The ‘all schools’ participate in the playoffs is not a new concept, Indiana has done it with success over the years. But it will take a giant effort by every school to make it work.

Will fans be allowed in the stands to watch those games? Big news out of Indiana on Friday that would limit fans who will be allowed to watch any athletic event. Income lost will effect high school sports in the future.

The final decision all comes down to one person…Governor Mike DeWine.