By Adamm Ingals

(9-20-23) On Friday, September 15, 2023, a fight broke out on the field during a football game between Trotwood-Madison and Withrow High Schools in Cincinnati. Players from both teams left the bench and came onto the field, and the game was eventually stopped.

The Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) announced multiple suspensions on Wednesday following the incident. Most of the players were suspended for one game for leaving the bench and coming onto the field, while three players were suspended for two games for fighting.

During the pre-season Trotwood-Madison has fights break out at a ‘Midnight Madness’ practice with police called to the scene.

The OHSAA said suspensions will be staggered to allow both teams to complete their regular season games.

The OHSAA also released a statement condemning the incident, saying that it –

“does not tolerate any type of unsportsmanlike conduct, especially when it comes to violence on the field.”

The statement also said that the OHSAA is –

“committed to providing a safe and positive environment for all student-athletes,”

and that it will continue to work with schools to promote sportsmanship and prevent similar incidents from happening in the future.

The game was called with nine minutes left in the third quarter with Withrow leading, 21-7.

Trotwood-Madison is scheduled to play Belmont on Friday night.
